Comments Rating Link
Regarding my previous feedback - the buyer did not have access to her phone/email, so she didn't notice she won the auction and didn't respond. The second purchase went much more smoothly, The buyer paid her invoice shortly after it was sent and responded when I asked for extra information for shipping. Thank you and I hope you will enjoy the dress :)
- Plushine (Seller)
Positive (11/17/24) [€150 bid sale] Bright Sugar JSK (White) (2018) (Relisted) 11/17/24
The buyer did not respond to my messages and did not pay their invoice. No idea why bid on an auction if you don't intend to purchase.
- Plushine (Seller)
Negative (11/08/24) [€150 bid sale] Bright Sugar JSK (White) (2018) 11/08/24
Thank you for your purchase! Very kind and understanding seller :))
- Im_garbage6669 (Seller)
Positive (08/06/24) St. Mary Holy Card Frill JSK 08/06/24
Very recommended and reliable buyer! Thank you!
- Mietzii (Seller)
Positive (05/30/24) Angelic pretty tea party bow shoes L / 24,5 white ( reserved for Kordian_corgi) 05/30/24