Comments Rating Link
Thank you for your quick payment and a pleasant transaction.
- Sue (Seller)
Positive (12/23/24) Angelic Pretty Party Garland JSK Set 12/23/24
Great buyer <3
- puccho (Seller)
Positive (09/05/24) 6%DOKIDOKI Neon letters laser cut acrylic necklace 09/05/24
Great buyer <3
- puccho (Seller)
Positive (09/05/24) 6%DOKIDOKI Jaggy Panier Skirt 09/05/24
Excellent buyer with fast payment and great communication. Really recommend! Thank you:)
- bunen (Seller)
Positive (06/14/24) For buyer 06/14/24
Buyer was kind, responded promptly, and paid quickly! Lovely buyer. 🥰
- Kipinkachu (Seller)
Positive (01/07/22) (NWT) Nakayoshi Ginger Cookie Blouse in Brown + Chocolate Cream BB&B Hair clip 01/07/22
Buyer paid promptly and the communication was great. Thank you so much for purchasing! :)
- Kuromiomi (Seller)
Positive (01/01/22) Angelic Pretty Fancy Paper Dolls JSK and Tote Bag in Pink 01/01/22
Great communication and prompt payment. Would happily sell to again :)! Thank you!
- snorlax15 (Seller)
Positive (01/01/22) Angelic Pretty School Marine Cutsew OP 01/01/22
Buyer was prompt with payment and friendly. Would certainly sell to again!
- koru (Seller)
Positive (10/16/21) AP Ice Cream Parlor OP in Pink x Sax 10/16/21
Great buyer! Pleasant communication and an overall smooth transaction. Thanks!
- apple (Seller)
Positive (08/28/21) NWT Lyrical Bunny Headbow (2021) Pink x Sax 08/28/21
prompt payment, good communication!
- fantasmiki (Seller)
Positive (08/06/21) ***EXTREMELY RARE*** H. Naoto x Hello Kitty plushie keychain 08/06/21
Amazing buyer! Very easy to communicate with and I highly recommend!
- swtgreentea (Seller)
Positive (07/27/21) Old School AP Short Sleeve Ladder Lace Blouse 07/27/21
Amazing buyer! Very easy to communicate with and I highly recommend!
- swtgreentea (Seller)
Positive (07/27/21) Old School AP Short Sleeve Ladder Lace Blouse 07/27/21
Great buyer, fast payment and smooth transaction :)
- Agraynel (Seller)
Positive (06/02/21) NWOT Angelic Pretty Fantastic Crystal Fur Hat white 06/02/21
Great buyer! Fast payment and good communication. Thank you for the smooth transaction ^_^
- JouRi (Seller)
Positive (05/21/21) [Clearance Sale] Angelic Pretty Heart Marine Skirt 05/21/21
Excellent buyer! Thank you.
- YOYO (Seller)
Positive (03/28/21) NWOT|Unicorn Macaron Dessert Station~Long Sleeves Printed Lolita OP (SAX)+Apron set 03/28/21
Great buyer!
- Bloodyringo (Seller)
Positive (03/26/21) *RESERVED for JM* Royal Cirque blouse 03/26/21
Highly recommended buyer! Buyer communicates fast and is very kind. Thank you for your purchase <3
- ChocolateGirl (Seller)
Positive (02/21/21) AP Royal Chocolate Mini Hat in Pink 02/21/21
Very fast payment!!! Very good customer!!!
- BelBelBear (Seller)
Positive (02/20/21) ANGELIC PRETTY Musee du chocolat tights (PINK) VERY RARE! 02/20/21
A wonderful buyer to do business with! They were prompt with communication and payment and great to talk to. Thanks again for a pleasant transaction! :-) ☆
- prettypeach (Seller)
Positive (10/24/20) ♡ AP Marshmallow Bunny OP in Pink [ON HOLD] 10/24/20
Wonderful buyer, paid promptly! Would definitely sell to again!
- koru (Seller)
Positive (09/11/20) AP Fantasic Horoscope Special JSK and Barrette Set in White 09/11/20