Liz Lisa clothing lot

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Sold on: 09/09/20
Sold to: superkawaiidragon (+244, -0) (California)

Seller rating:

(+39, -0)
Seller location:
USA, Georgia 31503
Lot of Liz Lisa clothes. One is a set that consists of a halter neck top with puff sleeves and a skirt with shirts underneath. It's in excellent condition. There is another pair of shorts that have no visible defects, but do have a sort of feeling of wear. The ballet crop top has a stains throughout it. Its kind of hard to make them out, but I did my best to document them. Domestic shipping is included. 

Shipping to United States: Contact seller for quote
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Liz Lisa
Damage: Minor Stains
Style: Otome, Gyaru
Colors: Creams, Pinks, Pastels
Category: Sets/Lots

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  • Bid placed by superkawaiidragon for $60 on 2020-09-02 18:39:16 UTC