Comments Rating Link
Love it, thank you very much! Great seller :)
- Maistress (Buyer)
Positive (06/06/16) [REDUCED][Free Domestic Shipping!]Metamorphose Old School Navy Velvet JSK 06/06/16
Great buyer! Held perfect, polite communication, paid right away, and was an overall pleasure to do business with. Hope to see you again soon! Thanks so much!
- ThingsWeNeverDid (Seller)
Positive (02/04/16) PRIVATE LISTING; BTSSB TRIANON OP 02/04/16
Sale never went through due to circumstances.
- alainaantonia (Buyer)
Positive (08/03/15) Red Maria Dusty Pink Rose Comb 08/03/15
Everything was perfect and any issues were sorted out quickly. Thanks for a great transaction! :)
- haku23 (Buyer)
Positive (06/30/15) Bodyline Chocoberry Skirt - Pink 2L 06/30/15
Thanks for the smooth transaction. Great communication and great packaging! Would buy from again.
- HaleighTheSquid (Buyer)
Positive (06/17/15) OTT Country Style Straw Hat 06/17/15
- Isil (Buyer)
Positive (06/17/15) Two Handmade Black Old School/Gothic Bows 06/17/15
A lovely seller, sent out in a timely manner and responded to all messages :) Thank you!
- danilambdesigns (Buyer)
Positive (06/15/15) Angelic Pretty Sheep Garden Tiered JSK - Pink 06/15/15