Comments Rating Link
- MrRabbit (Seller)
Positive (05/04/15) Sweet Mildred ship headdress 05/04/15
Great buyer, timely payment and replies. Thanks very much!
- dreamingviolet (Seller)
Positive (05/04/15) Moi-meme-Moitie 2006 Christmas Limited OP 05/04/15
Quick payment! Excellent communication! Pleasant to work with! Would do business with again!
- Sorona01 (Seller)
Positive (04/24/15) Haenuli St. Vitus Jsk in Black 04/24/15
Great communication and very sweet! Thanks!
- KittenCakes (Seller)
Positive (04/20/15) Peach constellation blouse 04/20/15
Excellent buyer! Prompt payment! Thanks!
- KittenCakes (Seller)
Positive (04/20/15) Thick off-white bow blouse 04/20/15
The buyer is very friendly, she both responds and pays very quickly, and is very understanding! Would highly recommend, thank you^^
- rebecca_nunu (Seller)
Positive (04/18/15) Aatp Lacy Pumps Black LL 04/18/15
Great buyer fast payment!
- Shahzoda (Seller)
Positive (04/12/15) Q-Pot Halloween Macaroon Necklace 04/12/15
Good buyer!
- Shiri (Seller)
Positive (04/03/15) SET tights (SOLD AS SET ONLY) 04/03/15
Late feedback due to forgetting to leave it- so sorry! Great communication and fast payment!
- Chunlichan (Seller)
Positive (03/29/15) Day Dream Carnival Skirt Lavender - PRICE REDUCTION- 03/29/15
The sale itself was perfect, smooth-sailing, nothing wrong with it, but post-sales she left feedback claiming I mis-represented the measurements and colourway. I think she needs to look more clearly at what she's buying before bidding and paying. My measurements didn't tally to hers by 4cm around the bust. She'll just leave feedback claiming I misrepresented the item description without informing you beforehand.
- starz300 (Seller)
Positive (03/22/15) Surface Spell - Lady in Claret OP (Lady in black, red floral) 03/22/15
Very good buyer and she is easy to communicate. Thank you for buying!
- circlemushroom (Seller)
Positive (03/20/15) MMM holy angel Long OP in White*Black 03/20/15
An excellent buyer, prompt payment and communication. We would love to do business again. Thank you!
- Takoyaki_co (Seller)
Positive (03/19/15) Meta Girlie Stuff Chiffon Drape Pinafore JSK/ Dress Room JSK 03/19/15
An excellent buyer, prompt payment and communication. We would love to do business again. Thank you!
- Takoyaki_co (Seller)
Positive (03/19/15) Meta Happy Ending Story/Frame Swan Princess Sleeve OP 03/19/15
Buyer bought a bag and blouse together. Buyer contacted me upon receiving the blouse to let me know it was too small, due to my error with the measurements. Offered a full refund. Buyer said they would think about it. After weeks of waiting I messaged again, but no reply. I have now assumed that they are keeping the blouse.
- pointetothesky (Seller)
Positive (02/16/15) Innocent World Ribbon Scallop Satchel 02/16/15
Buyer bought a bag and blouse together. Buyer contacted me upon receiving the blouse to let me know it was too small, due to my error with the measurements. Offered a full refund. Buyer said they would think about it. After weeks of waiting I messaged again, but no reply. I have now assumed that they are keeping the blouse.
- pointetothesky (Seller)
Positive (02/16/15) Innocent World Edith blouse pink 02/16/15
Thing started out really well with this transaction, as well as the Wonder Queen OP she bought from me. She paid on time and then asked about multiple other pieces I had for sale and initiated payment plans on a few items. Unfortunately, after a month or so things started to fall apart with the payments and communication. I covered shipping, per our deal when she bought WQ, and so was hesitant to send multiple packages out of my pocket and let her know I wanted to wait till everything was paid for to ship. She then started to delay payments, blaming her lack of money at one point on the release of Crystal Dream Carnival. She also began to get frustrated that I was not sending WQ by itself. At this point she purchased these BTSSB shoes via lacemarket auction, even though we had been discussing their purchase via email and she had said she would not be able to pay for them right away which was why I had listed them instead of relying on her commitment to them, and was not able to pay for them for a week. Finally we were in talks of getting everything sent and paid for, but she was still deciding on a couple things even though she said she would have $0 to eat if she continued to buy from me. I decided to stop any other purchases at this point and sent her package within the week.
- sweetjp (Seller)
Negative (02/08/15) Btssb Fur Pom Pom Shoes-Pink Size LL (minor damage) 02/08/15
Perfect time on payment plan and kind person ^^ I just have ask she receive the skirt and she don't reply me :x
- Lady-Momochi (Seller)
Positive (01/26/15) Triple Fortune’s Green Kingdom skirt 01/26/15
So patient with me, thank you!!
- volary (Buyer)
Positive (01/20/15) Anna House Ruffled Blouse L 01/20/15
Very kind and easy to work with!
- volary (Seller)
Positive (01/20/15) Infanta Bell Sleeved Chiffon Blouse II - NWOT 01/20/15
Very sweet and patient with me!
- volary (Seller)
Positive (01/20/15) Dear Celine Morning Dew OP 01/20/15