Comments Rating Link
Good buyer!! Fast payment !!
- Jessicaida (Seller)
Positive (10/02/20) Cecilia Cross High Waist JSK 10/02/20
Buyer was communicative and paid promptly. Thanks for buying!
- Steel Fairy (Seller)
Positive (09/26/20) Sweet Addiction swan jsk 09/26/20
Buyer paid quickly! Thanks so much, I hope you love it. :D
- PosiTori (Seller)
Positive (09/13/20) Angelic Pretty Milky Cross Bag in White 09/13/20
Buyer is soooo nice !!! Hope you like the dress❤
- Sodadada (Seller)
Positive (09/05/20) Angelic Pretty - Luminous Sanctuary JSK in Sax 09/05/20