Comments Rating Link
Great seller. Timely communication. Partial trade went through with no problems at all!
- IvoryOrchid (Buyer)
Positive (12/30/14) Usakumya jsk set ON HOLD for ivoryorchid 12/30/14
Great buyer. paid fast.
- alainaantonia (Seller)
Positive (12/30/14) curly wavy light blonde wig 12/30/14
Wonderful buyer, paid quickly!
- StellarKei (Seller)
Positive (12/15/14) Lace and rose hair clip with pearl and crystal heart chain 12/15/14
Purchased a skirt from her & she never shipped it out. Wrote me saying she had been sick, then proceeded to not ship it out. Refund received
- OliverExorcist (Buyer)
Positive (12/09/14) Bodyline Balloon Bears Skirt in Mint size Medium 12/09/14
buyer kept in very good contact and was extremely nice and patient. she had issues beyond control on her end, but was quick to inform me of any issues that might have happened. all in all, invoice was paid in a very nice and timely manner! very nice buyer! thank you!
- GrimPassion (Seller)
Positive (10/27/14) Toy fantacy op set: 4 piece set! Black, Bonnet, wrist cuffs, socks. Angelic Pretty 10/27/14
Buyer won the auction for the kumya jsk and headbow set. It look a bit longer to to receive payment due to issues on her end which was beyond her control. After I received payment I mailed out the set on the following business day with USPS priority mail. The postal employee told me that it would take about 3 days to arrive and I was also provided with a tracking #. Fast forward ten days and the buyer tells me that she has checked the status of the package online and it showed that it was still stuck in transit. I contacted USPS and they said they will look into it. Two days later the buyer messages me to tell me that she has finally received the package. In summary, has it not been all these issues that were beyond our control it would have been a very smooth transaction. The buyer has been very nice and patient throughout the entire situation and I thank her for it.
- spearmint413 (Seller)
Positive (09/09/14) Friend Kumya-chan Creamy Quartet Judy JSK + Headbow set 09/09/14
One of the sweetest buyers I've ever had, a lovely transaction overall. Thank you so much!
- crysis (Seller)
Positive (08/17/14) Moitie Asymmetrical Corset Skirt 08/17/14